Child-Teen Orthodontics

When it comes to orthodontic issues, early intervention prevents long-term treatment later on in life. The ideal age for orthodontic treatment is between the ages of 10 and 14.
While the correcting of the alignment of the teeth will follow the same process regardless of age, an adult mouth is already positioned in terms of facial bones and jaw structure. This might require more than one type of orthodontic treatment for an adult. Therefore, if your dentist refers your child for orthodontic treatment, it might be worth investing in.
What problems does orthodontic treatment help with?The following issues may be minimized with orthodontic treatment:
- Misaligned, crooked, or crowded teeth
- Missing teeth
- Extra teeth
- An overbite
- An underbite
- An open bite
- Misaligned or incorrect jaw position
- A disorder of the jaw joint
Braces generally come in the various options:
- Brackets, metal or plastic, clear or tooth-coloured, that are bonded to the teeth
- Lingual-type brackets that are attached to the back of the teeth and cannot be seen
- Bands that cover most of the teeth with metal bands that wrap around the teeth
- Invisible, clear aligners that can be removed
What can my child expect after getting braces?
When the braces are put on for the first time, your child may experience discomfort and pressure during the first week due to the braces slowly pulling the teeth into alignment. This discomfort should decrease within a day or two.
This discomfort may reoccur when your orthodontist tightens them periodically. Your child might struggle to eat hard or tough food after they have had their braces tightened. Over-the-counter pain medication may help reduce some of the pain.
If your child has the metal brackets on their braces, they may get sores or cuts on the inside of the cheeks, lips or on their tongue. These are known as canker sores and they are quite common. They are caused by the friction of the braces rubbing against the lips and cheeks. The cuts on the tongue are often the result of a person using their tongue to feel the braces.
If your child has sores, they should avoid having foods that contain acid - this could irritate them more. A salt water rinse may help, or you can ask their orthodontist for wax to put over the brackets.